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+# webica
+I've just pushed the first version of my new Clojure wrapper
+for [Selenium][se] called [webica][webica].
+The reason I need **webica** is that I want to do automated
+browser testing for [ClojureScript][cljs] based web applications.
+Certainly NodeJS, PhantomJS, Nashorn and the like are useful...
+but these can't quite emulate the full browser
+experience. We want to test our ClojureScript web apps in browsers --
+ideally via our favorite automated continuous integration tools.
+<a href="http://docs.seleniumhq.org/">
+<img src="http://docs.seleniumhq.org/images/big-logo.png" alt="Selenium"/>
+My new approach with the **webica** library is to do full Java introspection
+in the spirit that [amazonica][amazonica] does for the AWS API. In fact I
+wanted to take it a step further by actually generating Clojure source code via
+introspection that can be used by Codox to generate nice API docs
+(which you don't get with amazonica). That, alas, was a little
+trickier than expected due to pesky [Quine][quine]-like problems :) .
+If you load the library on the REPL you can get a feeling for each
+namespace by calling the `show-functions` function.
+I realize this approach of aggressive introspection, playing fast
+and loose with types and application level dynamic dispatch are
+crazy antipatterns. In my defense I started out playing around
+to see "if I could do it". After seeing the result in the form
+of a *shell script* in Clojure -- imitating [lmgtfy][lmgtfy] -- perhaps
+**webica** will actually be useful!
+I plan to talk about **webica** tonight at [clojure.mn][clojuremn] -- hope to
+see you there!
+[[!tag clojure web selenium]]
+[se]: http://docs.seleniumhq.org/
+[webica]: https://github.com/tmarble/webica
+[cljs]: https://github.com/clojure/clojurescript
+[clojuremn]: http://www.meetup.com/clojuremn/events/232762945/
+[amazonica]: https://github.com/mcohen01/amazonica
+[quine]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quine_%28computing%29
+[lmgtfy]: https://github.com/tmarble/webica/blob/master/examples/lmgtfy