<a href="https://www.lifetimefitness.com/en/programs-and-events/sports/cycle/minnesota/Eden-Prairie-Crosstown-Cycle-Club.html">
-<img src="http://info9.net/images/tour-de-crosstown-2016.jpg" alt="Tour de Crosstown 2016"/>
+<img style="width=80%;" src="http://info9.net/images/tour-de-crosstown-2016.jpg" alt="Tour de Crosstown 2016"/>
I borrowed a heart rate monitor (but had no idea what it was for) and
tried to bike along in my regular gym shorts, shoes and a t-shirt.
Despite being a cycling newbie I was immediately captured by
-[Allison's][allison] [music and enthusiasm][spincycle].
+[Alison's][alison] [music and enthusiasm][spincycle].
She's dancing on her bike and you can't
help but lock in the beat. Of course that's *just after* she tells
you to dial up the resistance... and the sweat just pours out!
I'm sorry to have missed you in Cape Town, but I hope to join you in Montréal
next year.
-So when the Tour de Crosstown started in July I decided this
+So when the **Tour de Crosstown** started in July I decided this
was the time for me to get serious. I want to thank all the instructors for the
great workouts (and for all the calories I've left on the bike):
Alison, Kristine, Olivia, Tasha, and Caroline!