+++ /dev/null
-Yesterday I had a blast presenting my talk
-[Security not by chance: the AltusMetrum hardware true random number generator][usbtrng-dc14] at [DebConf14][dc14].
-<a href="http://debconf14.debconf.org/">
-<img src="http://debconf14.debconf.org/images/debian-rose.png" alt="DebConf 14"/>
-[USB TRNG][usbtrng] is a collaborative effort with [AltusMetrum][altusmetrum]
-to create a completely open hardware and Free software true
-random number generator.
-I my talk I mention the rationale for gathering more entropy:
-The Linux urandom boot-time entropy hole as described in
-the paper
-[Mining Your Ps and Qs: Detection of Widespread Weak Keys in Network Devices][ehole].
-I also mention some of the difficulty in assessing RNG
-quality for security applications as highlighted by
-Matthew Green in his blog post
-[How do you know if an RNG is working?][greenrng].
-I've been lucky to work on this design with [Bdale Garbee][bdale]
-and [Keith Packard][keithp].
-If you'd like to learn more you can...
-* Download the presentation (see below)
-* Check out the web page for [USB TRNG][usbtrng]
-* Join us on IRC OFTC #altusmetrum
-* Join the [trng mailing list][trng]
-Let [[me|/tmarble]] know if you'd like to get involved!
-## links
-* Presentation as PDF: [[usbtrng.pdf|usbtrng.pdf]]
-* Presentation video: Soon to be uploaded by the amazing [Debian Video Team][debvideo].
-[usbtrng-dc14]: https://summit.debconf.org/debconf14/meeting/20/security-not-by-chance-the-altusmetrum-hardware-true-random-number-generator/
-[dc14]: http://debconf14.debconf.org/
-[altusmetrum]: http://altusmetrum.org/
-[bdale]: http://gag.com/bdale
-[keithp]: http://keithp.com/keithp
-[trng]: http://lists.gag.com/mailman/listinfo/trng
-[usbtrng]: http://lists.gag.com/mailman/listinfo/trng
-[debvideo]: https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf14/Videostream#Recordings
-[ehole]: https://factorable.net/weakkeys12.extended.pdf
-[greenrng]: http://blog.cryptographyengineering.com/2014/03/how-do-you-know-if-rng-is-working.html
-[[!tag debian debconf altusmetrum security]]
--- /dev/null
+Yesterday I had a blast presenting my talk
+[Security not by chance: the AltusMetrum hardware true random number generator][usbtrng-dc14] at [DebConf14][dc14].
+<a href="http://debconf14.debconf.org/">
+<img src="http://debconf14.debconf.org/images/debian-rose.png" alt="DebConf 14"/>
+[USB TRNG][usbtrng] is a collaborative effort with [AltusMetrum][altusmetrum]
+to create a completely open hardware and Free software true
+random number generator.
+I my talk I mention the rationale for gathering more entropy:
+The Linux urandom boot-time entropy hole as described in
+the paper
+[Mining Your Ps and Qs: Detection of Widespread Weak Keys in Network Devices][ehole].
+I also mention some of the difficulty in assessing RNG
+quality for security applications as highlighted by
+Matthew Green in his blog post
+[How do you know if an RNG is working?][greenrng].
+I've been lucky to work on this design with [Bdale Garbee][bdale]
+and [Keith Packard][keithp].
+If you'd like to learn more you can...
+* Download the presentation (see below)
+* Check out the web page for [USB TRNG][usbtrng]
+* Join us on IRC OFTC #altusmetrum
+* Join the [trng mailing list][trng]
+Let [[me|/tmarble]] know if you'd like to get involved!
+## links
+* Presentation as PDF: [[usbtrng.pdf|usbtrng.pdf]]
+* Presentation video: Soon to be uploaded by the amazing [Debian Video Team][debvideo].
+[usbtrng-dc14]: https://summit.debconf.org/debconf14/meeting/20/security-not-by-chance-the-altusmetrum-hardware-true-random-number-generator/
+[dc14]: http://debconf14.debconf.org/
+[altusmetrum]: http://altusmetrum.org/
+[bdale]: http://gag.com/bdale
+[keithp]: http://keithp.com/keithp
+[trng]: http://lists.gag.com/mailman/listinfo/trng
+[usbtrng]: http://lists.gag.com/mailman/listinfo/trng
+[debvideo]: https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf14/Videostream#Recordings
+[ehole]: https://factorable.net/weakkeys12.extended.pdf
+[greenrng]: http://blog.cryptographyengineering.com/2014/03/how-do-you-know-if-rng-is-working.html
+[[!tag debian debconf altusmetrum security]]