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+# M41LZ in Tails
+Here is the background on my workshop presentation
+**M41LZ in Tails: securing e-mail**
+at [Code Freeze 2015][codefreeze15].
+Currently the slides are under heavy development -- stay
+tuned as they are updated in anticipation of v1.0.0 on January 14, 2015.
+<a href="https://www.umsec.umn.edu/events/Code-Freeze-2015-Security">
+<img src=https://www.umsec.umn.edu/sites/all/themes/grid960/umsec960/assets/code_freeze/code_freeze_banner_2015.png"" alt="Code Freeze 2015"/>
+## bio
+[[Tom Marble|/tmarble]] is best known for being the
+first "OpenJDK Ambassador" on the Sun Microsystems core team that open
+sourced the Java programming language. Tom has a Masters degree in
+Electrical Engineering from the University of Minnesota where he
+worked under [Otto H. Schmitt][ohs].
+He has combined his EE and community experiences in open source hardware
+projects such as [USB TRNG][usbtrngblog]
+and his software and intellectual property experiences by organizing
+a legal and policy issues track at Europe's largest open source
+conference, [FOSDEM][devroom2015].
+Mr. Marble is committed to increasing diversity in technology
+(especially in open source) by volunteering as an organizer
+for [ClojureBridge Minneapolis][clojurebridge]
+ -- a weekend workshop for women to learn the Clojure programming language --
+as well as the
+[GNOME Outreach Program for Women][opw]
+on behalf of the [Debian][debian] project.
+Mr. Marble is the founder of Informatique, Inc.: a consultancy which
+leverages his hardware, software and legal engineering background for
+client projects as diverse as telematics for electric vehicles,
+probabilistic model checking, autonomous cyber defense, and
+multiplayer online gaming.
+## abstract
+We are stuck between knowing that our Internet communications
+are vulnerable and using overly complex crypto tools.
+This workshop will explain, step by step, how to use open source
+encryption available in a live USB drive based system
+to secure e-mail. Along the way you will learn about
+threats to anonymity on the web and how to harness the Web of Trust.
+We'll then explore the next steps to making secure e-mail more
+practical for everyday use.
+## slides
+The presentation can be viewed live at [https://info9.net/presentations/mailz-in-tails/][mitpreso]
+The source for the presentation is at [https://gitorious.org/tmarble/mailz-in-tails][mitgit]
+## feedback
+Please let [[me|/tmarble]] know how I can improve this presentation!
+[[!tag e-mail security]]
+[codefreeze15]: https://www.umsec.umn.edu/events/Code-Freeze-2015-Security
+[mitpreso]: https://info9.net/presentations/mailz-in-tails/
+[mitgit]: https://gitorious.org/tmarble/mailz-in-tails
+[ohs]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otto_Schmitt
+[usbtrngblog]: http://info9.net/wiki/tmarble/posts/USB_TRNG/
+[devroom2015]: https://fosdem.org/2015/schedule/track/legal_and_policy_issues/
+[clojurebridge]: http://www.clojurebridge.org/
+[opw]: http://gnome.org/opw
+[debian]: http://debian.org